Tenosynovitis usually occurs at the wrist or ankle. The gliding
surfaces of the tendon within the tendon sheath become inflamed.
The sheath becomes roughened and inflamed from overuse. Any
activity which uses that particular muscle will cause pain
because the tendon has to move through the sheath. The body's
response to injury is to increase the tension in the connective
tissue around the damaged part, like an Elastoplast, hindering
movement even further.
Treatment by rest is only mildly effective because the original
problem is not addressed and when the activity is resumed
the problem recurs.
Tablets may ease the pain but again not
the problem. Treatment with
Tissue Manipulation reduces the tension in the connective
tissue in the area, improves the circulation and settles the
inflammation. This allows the tendon to slide more easily
through the sheath without pain.
See Tendon
injury - see
Connective Tissue